1998 Pennsylvania Rainbow Gathering Photo Page 7

Photos from Seed Camp Journal: Notes from the 1999 Pennsylvania Rainbow Gathering

Paisley fires up a stogie after helping to haul in supplies for Katuah Kitchen.

Diamond Dave Whittaker collects money for the Magic Hat. A San Francisco beatnik in the '50s, a hippie in the '60s and a Rainbow by the 1980s, he is a familiar face at Gatherings. He is also, according to some accounts, the man who turned Dylan on to his first joint in Minneapolis in 1963.

Wheelchair Mike came to his first Rainbow Gathering in 1986. He was badly injured in a motorcycle accident a couple of years later but has continued coming to Gatherings. He entered this year's Gathering via the red trail, a mostly narrow, winding path that descended toward the center of the site. It was a little over three miles from the top of the trail to Main Circle.

"It's hard sometimes," he said. "But I wanted to be here really bad."